Biographical Database of Australia

Indexes and Lists

Indexes & Lists


Australasian Almanack 1827

Australian Biographical & Genealogical Record – Biographical Detail Forms

Bonds to the NSW Naval Office 1810-1819

Church of England Clergy Sydney NSW 1853 & 1858

Clergy List Aus & NZ 1878

Deane Index of Colonial Office (London) NSW items 1823-1840

Orphan Irish Girls Employment 1849-1852 NSW

Railway Passes NSW 1880-1892

Ship Masters & Owners Sydney 1849

Stamp Sellers NSW 1862-1875

Unclaimed Letters NSW 1836-1852

Unemployed NSW 1860 & 1884

University Graduates 1856-1900


BDA has been given permission by copyright holders to add many indexes into our Database. These include a wide diversity of records from Unclaimed Letters 1836-1852 to Sydney Football Index 1852-1896.

Whilst many of these are only Indexes with limited detail, they will be added to BDA and hopefully linked to form part of a person’s Biographical Report and so assist users to find other references to an individual of interest, which the user may not otherwise find.

We welcome the donation of any appropriate index which users may have compiled.

Click on those highlighted to view more detailed information.

This general information page has been compiled by Malcolm Sainty, September 2013.

The text on this page is copyright. Permission to reproduce it should be obtained from BDA.